The Root of Human Flaw

Maybe what I’m about to describe isn’t quite a flaw, but the root of human flaw sounds dramatic and ambitious enough to captivate ones attention. It occurs to me that the disconnect between our species and the rest of the planet comes from a very specific quality of the mind. In case if “the disconnect” sounds too spiritual, let’s give it another description. Let’s call it the reason why our species happen to overcomplicate things. But before I name it, I want to mention that the same quality is also responsible for all the innovations and technological advances which differentiate our species from all the others. So the quality, that is so unique and in my opinion, the root of all the self imposed suffering, is abstract thinking or in other words imagination.

Before I elaborate more on my statement, I want to clarify that within the framework of this discussion, I’m not looking at the subject as good or bad. I’m just stating what is as it seems to me. The origin of this quality is also not the subject of this discussion, at least not at the moment. So why do I think that abstract thinking (imagination) is the single quality of the mind that’s behind self imposed human suffering and the disconnect between our species and the rest of the planet? 

First we need to understand that environmental awareness (3D) and time awareness (4D), which are dimensions, are no more than spaces in which consciousness can operate. If space and time can be observed subjectively, but to an extent can also be tracked objectively, which can’t be said about abstract thinking. It can be implied that abstract thinking is a quality which gives the consciousness and the mind access to a new individual pocket or sub dimension. What can be done within the realm of abstract thinking is purely individual and dictated by the environment, experiences, ideas and impressions and formed by the processing power of the brain. What has been generated within the realm of abstract thinking can be compared to the dimension of time. The comparison of abstract thinking and time can give us a subjective idea of how long a fruit of imagination has been in the making. Yet what is in the realm of abstract thinking can’t be compared to the physical (environmental) dimension until it is brought into that dimension in accordance with the rules of that dimension. Even when the object of abstract thinking is brought to the physical dimension, it is no longer as it was in the abstract, but instead is now different. Even though abstract thinking can be called a dimension of its own, it can’t be accessed without environmental and time awareness, as we can’t imagine something that we have no idea of. 

So if the physical dimension can be observed more or less objectively in the present moment and in the past. What might occur in the physical dimension in the future can be only speculated. Simultaneously the dimension of time is useless without the context of the previous dimension which is physical. At the moment we have a reasonable assumption that the physical dimension has a specific set of rules which are dictated by math and physics. A similar thing can be said about the dimension of time. While those statements can be considered as truth at the moment, the same can’t be said about the abstract. Though abstract thinking requires previously named dimensions, there are no further rules within the realm of imagination except the limitations.

The subjective nature of abstract thinking and no rules to govern it, that’s where the flaw arises. Although the same flaw must be praised for our complex culture, philosophy, sciences and technological advances. The same flaw stands behind all of our unnecessary complications and self imposed suffering. The same quality that allows us to solve complicated problems that are present or have the potential to arise, it also opens up the door for us to imagine problems that will never arise and to condition ourselves into thinking in ways that are no longer practical. In combination with free will, which is no more than the ability to go against our own instincts, abstract thinking allows us to waste our energy resources on simple imaginative entertainment, which has no connection to solving any relevant problems.

The disconnect from the rest of nature also stems from abstract thinking, free will and our ability to manipulate our environment (which is in part related to our possession of thumbs). It seems to me, though I can only speculate, that the quality of abstract thinking and free will are so fresh that we are unable to manage them properly. If I was to convert this situation into an analogy of human development. I’d say that right now our species are self absorbed and overpowered toddlers who are learning how to walk and are breaking everything in their way. With all the physical and metaphysical limitations that are imposed on our bodies and consciousnesses, abstract thinking opens up a whole ungovernable dimension which gives us too much freedom, which we are unable to navigate properly.

So what can we do about it? How could we be more in sync with the planet and ourselves? On one hand it seems to me that we need to accept the circumstances which we are in. On the other hand, we can try to moderate our condition through the combination of free will and thorough observations. Through observations and sciences we can change our perspective on things and with help of morals and ethics we can change our approach. Through free will we can change our ways and find new solutions, put aside our temporary comforts through the lens of common good and future quality of existence. Through practical philosophy and psychology we can become more aware of our nature and learn to manage our imagination and find better ways of using it. Through moderation and consideration we will be able to manage the effects of our species on the rest of the planet and harmonize ourselves with others as much as we can. Nevertheless, aside from doing our best, we must accept our limitations and the chance that we might self-destruct in the process or the idea that all our attempts are semi futile in the face of biological development and evolution. At the same time, it must also be considered that through further research and technological developments, we will be able to speed up or fix up the development of our brains, which in turn will affect our consciousness, mind and maybe abstract thinking in a way that would solve our subjective flaw.

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Author: Alex

I’ve spend a decade working in advertising, social media and cultural industries, which have given me great insights into what’s going on behind the scenes.